The first annual BOS1964 event in Barcelona

May 2018

This March we held the first annual BOS1964 event. This first edition encompassed both times of working and networking, and many other opportunities for fun and leisure. We shared the experience with several of our strategic partners, as well as their architects and designers, who travelled to Barcelona from round the world.

Why a BOS1964 event?

Because only by being present and physically seeing, touching and feeling the essence of BOS1964 can possible collaborators understand the potential par excellence involved in working with us.

Because we want to establish long term relationships based on trust in our absolutely impeccable service and care, and in our in-depth knowledge and attention to our products, covering every need of our projects.


Because Barcelona enamours visitors and we wanted to show off and enjoy this city of design, architecture and technology together. Savouring local cuisine and enjoying local traditions, all wrapped in the purely Mediterranean climate and quality of life of this city.

Event Video

And surrounded by astounding professionals and great friends  we made the decision to consolidate these days and make it an annual event. The Annual BOS1964 Event.

The 2019 edition is just around the corner!

It’s not just work, or too much information given to you. It’s a full experience of the place, the factory and the products, but also the city, the incredible food and local traditions. I liked sharing experiences with them and other similar partners, architects or designers coming from totally different markets. There were so much positive vibs in the air. I came back home feeling I had made a lot of new friends. It made me fall in love of the product and the whole company Sales Director Style Design Egypt

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